The GeriHatricks Hockey Club is an eclectic group of senior hockey players over 60 who play primarily at the Gardens Ice House in Laurel, MD. The core of its players come from Washington D.C., Maryland, and Northern Virginia.
It is a vibrantly active program, generally running from mid-September through Memorial Day, with weekly pick-up sessions, games, and other skating activities for various age groups and skill levels.
The operating principal was stated by founder Bill Wellington - the notion of “hockey for all” and “you are never too old”. The full details are under the Charter tab. The organization also sponsors a yearly senior hockey tournament, which draws teams from other states, and is generally held in March. Also, as opportunities present, the club will sponsor one or more teams in “away” tournaments. Details are listed under the Tournament tab.
The program was started in 2000, and some original members have gone by the wayside, but our intent is to provide hockey for the older senior set of daydreaming geezers and ladies with a continuing opportunity to play a wonderful game. In that vein, we welcome those who are interested in playing to contact us.
Check out these links for more articles on
The GeriHatricks Hockey Club, written by their own member Michael Demers.
-Contact Us-
If you are looking to get in contact with The GeriHatricks, please email gerihatricks@gmail.com, for more info or any questions.